my current frustration is born of the fact that i can create beautiful photographs... in my minds eye!! unfortunately, they very rarely look *on paper* the way i wish they would. this is due to the fact that during an intrepid search for the perfect spt post last spring (lights, camera, action!), my trusty point and shoot digital Nikon Coolpix hit the dirt, er, sand. since then, i've been *making do* with a dime store variety giveaway camera and the 6 year old digital camera we keep on property at the hotel.
they. are. awful.
my beautiful images turn out fuzzy, slightly green, hazy, you name it. i have a fear that when i look back on this year, it will look like we lived the entire year in grungy aquarium!!
case in point - last night, i came out from my bedroom to this fantastic sight:
i purposefully posted the image smaller so that you will focus on the subjects, and not the blurriness. rrrggghhh!! i'm almost ready to go back to my Nikon SLR (you know, the one that uses *film*...)
of course, the camera i would love to get is out of my budget by, let's say, oh... $700.00. actually, my current budget doesn't really allow for a new camera at all right now. so please, please, for the love of blogging, keep posting those crafts and recipes and babies toes!! a girl's got to get her fix somewhere!!
Camera woes are horrible. I want the pictures to match the happy moments. A blurry picture, an off colour picture, or a grainy picture distract me from the thing I am trying to capture, and so when I look back at the photo, I don't remember the fun time at the park, all I can focus on is the horrible picture.
I feel your pain.
I wish I had an ability to take great photos too--you aren't alone. I have taken my fair share of blurry photos as well.
Hey you are documenting and that is what matters most not just your blurry photos, but the thoughts in your head. :)
It just isn't right for the SP Queen, the one behind it all to have poor equipment. Such a sad state of affairs!
when my good camera was getting fixed i felt every photo i was taking was horrible.
i waited 10 years for the camera i got and it was worth the wait, save penny by penny.
girl, you could sell a bunch of stuff on ebay or on your blog to save up for one. you are so creative you could do it. you know in all that spare time you have....
I so horrible at taking pictures. I wish i could help :)
You will get there. I do love my good camera, it makes such a difference. Of course then you have to learnhaow to make the light better and the people focused and....
Indoor lighting is always hard, don't curse your camera.
I LoVE my SLR, but I know what you mean...I must have 50 rolls of undeveloped film lying around my house - beautiful memories rotting away.
I'm in awe, too, of those who can make a piece of 'art' from one shot. But then, I love to see people's 'snaps' too - because they're so personal and internal to their family. It always feels a real honour to be allowed to see those quick glimpses into their lives, however blurry! Isn't the life of a busy mum like that? A fuzzy blur?
i think it goes without saying that i can relate to this post.
i have a bit of a reputation for my, ahem, blurry photos but i blame the camera most of the time since i will grab a keeper once in a while.
i too have visions of great pics and the thought is there but the moment is sadly missed sometimes.
good luck to both of us and keep posting them, blurry or not, sister.
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