Friday, June 03, 2011

winding down

i feel like i never just sit on the porch and drink coffee anymore. i've always enjoyed my mornings, my ME time, those precious hours (minutes, more likely) when i am free to sit still and... well, sitting still was pretty much it. for the past few months, my mornings have been all about the workouts. i still get my ME time. but it involves less coffee and more sweat. (i really am okay with this!)

remember my son, jack? well, this is about all i see of him these days! he finally was bit by the HP bug, and is cruising through the books. after a challenging academic semester - we've been tweaking our approach to ADHD - he has fallen into the habit of reading whenever he gets a chance. NOTHING pleases me more than the fact that this child has found a way to find his own moments of still.

i've been to the beach twice this year! that is huge for this girl. as a family, we don't take advantage of the beach as much as we should. it's very easy for me to get agitated by the heat, the sand, the feeling of salt water drying on my skin... but we are learning to enjoy our Sunday afternoon sojourns, sand and all.

soccer ended yesterday, and we are heading into the last week of school. we have no big plans for the summer months. we'll just be here, happily perfecting our still.


SisterX_83 said...

If Max ever needs to talk to an adult with ADHD, Shane has it. He weaned himself off medicines in high school, so he knows a lot of coping mechanisms. He also understands how difficult it is, especially since people think of it as a "kid thing" and sometimes misunderstand his exuberance.
I'm glad Max found Harry Potter, though. Those books never get old. I can re-read them so many times and I still cry when Dobby dies!

Natasha said...

That pic of Jack reminds me of Luci buried in her books. Glad you are enjoying the beach some too.

Alisha said...

Lovely post!

"Still" is a beautiful place to be. I need more of it in my life.

Yep, I agree. Seeing a 10 yr old son with a book is just about as endearing, and heart-warming a thing as a mother can hope for. Mine loves Harry Potter, too.

Happy relaxed summer to you, Lelly!

michelle said...

"Happily perfecting our still." That sounds just about perfect to me!