the year is winding down. the school year, that is. there is a rhythm of daily living that goes hand in hand with the school calendar, whether or not you have children in school! we remember it from our youth. we schedule vacations and get-togethers around it. our alarm clocks might be set at a different time because of it. think of the different things we cram into a typical "school" week: dinner gets put on the table (or not), trips are made to the grocery/convenience/big box store, multiple loads of [insert sport here] uniforms are laundered, homework is checked and projects are completed, left shoes are misplaced and sweatshirts are lost...
we are on a constant march to bed time it seems, in these school months. at the end of a day, we fall into bed restless and exhausted, our minds spinning already with the next day's tasks. we replay the day's events, wincing a little as we recall tense conversations and rushed moments.
we remember there was that one thing we wanted to do... that one relaxing, creative, fun, not-related-to-school-sports-piano-lessons-shopping-cooking thing we wanted to enjoy. we drift to sleep not refreshed and fulfilled, but thinking, "i shouldawouldacoulda done ________________________."
so what is it? what's the *one thing* for you? who do you want to do it with?
Oh hell, girl--what's NOT on that list?!
Your description of the typical busy day is SPOT-ON!
Happy Mother's Day!!!!!
I'm looking for Mr. Linky. I hope you're alright and not overloaded with moving!
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