Wednesday, September 22, 2010

wordless wednesday


Rebekah said...

I've made that wreath before! It's one of the only craft projects I've mastered in my life. Whenever I want to make something, regardless of the season, I think, 'Um...I could make the corn husk wreath!' I'm a one trick pony.

Natasha said...

Okay I was just getting ready to ask what this is but then I read the comment before mine. Did you make it?

Unknown said...

i made this last week. my favorite part of it is that we got the corn husks from a local farmer who was just getting ready to plow the old stalks under (so THERE, martha stewart, i didn't have to *buy* excessively priced corn husks at the craft store!!

(personal triumph, can you tell?)

Holly said...

Your wreath looks FAB--and you scored an awesome deal since you can't beat free.

It's perfect for fall!

michelle said...

Love your personal triumph!