a few months ago, i flew to another city and talked with several people. the trip included four flights, two rides with chauffeurs, an eTicket snafu, a plane ride with Dave Navarro and a sighting of The Little Couple. it also included a backscatter xray. when i travel, i T-R-A-V-E-L.
all of this happened in one whirlwind of a day shortly before Thanksgiving.
i don't know what will become of this trip. what i do know is that it was very important for me to grab my oversized tote bag, my mp3 player, my iPhone, and my best personality - and get on that plane.
i also know that it was the scariest thing i've done in a really, really long time. like, "i really don't want to do this but i really must do this" scary. like, sleepless night scary.
like, everything could change forever scary.
maybe i'll have something more to tell you about this trip. i don't know.
but i will have more to tell you about my journey,
If you end up being the same person you were a year ago, you wasted a whole year of your life by not living and learning.