Tuesday, July 27, 2010


i've been working on a project. not quite ready to share (but trust me, when i do, it will be on a pretty big scale...) but it's had me reading words. lots and lots of words. twenty-seven years worth of words.

if you've read my blog at all, you know how i love words. i could eat them for dinner, a savory fritatta of expressions and emotions. yum-O! for this project, however, i've had to let someone else choose most of the words for me. and *this* has made me incredibly nervous.

oh words,don't fail me now...


Serendipity said...

I can't wait [for you to be ready to share]!

I'm enjoying the 'summer fun' words on your blog header at the moment...

michelle said...

I love this. A savory fritatta of expressions and emotions. Well said.