so, Run for Ray came around again, and i approached it with some intention this year. since undertaking my Shredding adventure with Jillian Michaels last month, I've actually taken up the "running" "habit" again. (oh, yes, i'm totally using both of those words loosely.)
i'm running on Saturdays and Sundays. it started off with a test run, if you will. about a week into the Shred routine, i knew i was getting stronger. all it took was one experimental jog to know that something was very different this time around. i used those first few runs to ease back into the feeling of running. i didn't get out the training program. i didn't wear my watch. i didn't stick to any run/walk routine. (i did load up a great new playlist, though!)
and, quite accidentally, one day i ran 3.1 miles. without stopping. without walking. and with that, with the knowledge that i *could* do it, i began to do it over and over again. every Saturday. every Sunday. every weekend until race day.
(my race number was my birth date. how cool is that?!?)
as i pinned on my bib, i had but two goals: 1)to run every single step, and 2)to beat my time from last year. it might seem like those two goals go hand in hand. but i am a slow runner. and i often feel like maybe i WALK faster than i RUN. so i felt that there was every chance that RUNNING every step would actually slow me down. plus, i run on the street (kind of a no brainer). running a trail requires much more intention with every step. i had my work cut out for me.
and so i ran. with no watch. with no playlist. i ran, alone in the woods (most of the time.) i ran and i ran. i did not walk. i really had no idea how close i was to the finish until i could actually see the FINISH. and, sweaty and red faced, with another stitch in my side (what is *that* all about?!?), i "ran" through the finish corral with no clue as to how i'd done!!
you're dying to know, aren't you? did i beat my time?
i am a very different runner this time around. i am a very different person. i feel more clear and focused than i have in a long time.
i am happier.
i am stronger.
i am faster.
7:16 minutes faster.
will you take a self portrait today? leave me a comment and let me know!
Way to go! That is a great chunk of time to ditch! Being stronger really does help you be a stronger runner. Congrats!
That is just awesome! Way to go, Lelly!!
Very impressive lady!
I really DO run slower than I walk. It's comical. But running slowly is a more difficult workout than walking. I always say running is my natural prozac.
I wish I lived close to you so we could beach run!
Not in bikinis, though. Gak.
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