i really should do something about that.
did you ever play that memory game when you were younger? we played it at all of my birthday parties growing up. my mom would place items on one of her trays and let us look at them for one minute. then she would cover them up with a tea towel while we tried to write down as many things as we remembered. the items tended to be a bit haphazard, with not much rhyme nor reason to their presence in the game. i think that made it more difficult.
hmmmm, what can i remember from this morning:
contact lens case, saline, deoderant, an empty metal diet coke bottle (why? it wasn't even my diet coke), toothbrush, makeup, cotton balls, lavendar essential oils, band-aids (NOT used), plumbing parts (?!?), digital watch, hand towel, various and sundry pieces of jewelry, a button, men's cologne (Chrome), hairspray, bronzer, water cup, small fan, iPhone...
i'm sure there was more, but i'm choosing not to remember them!! what's the state of your bathroom vanity this morning? care to share?
will you take a self-portrait today? leave me a comment and let me know!
Funny. Ours is clear of all but hand soap and a cup of toothbrushes, but only because it's a pedestal sink and there's no room for anything more!! Sadly, I lean towards clutter.
I'm with you on not liking clutter. If you think your bathroom is bad, though, you should see my desk!! Between the wedding stuff and the medical bills from my nose, not to mention everyday life things, it's piled about a foot high. I need to tackle it, but I keep pushing it off because I know it won't be fun...
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