Thursday, September 29, 2011

L'Shana Tova

For some, it is the New Year today. and although it is not holiday that i celebrate as part of the religion i identify with, i am drawn to the idea of celebrating the New Year. right now. i'm not waiting until January.

so when i was thinking of what i might like to set as a goal for this New Year that i'm adopting, i had to go back and read what i'd set as my goals ten months ago when 2011 rolled around.

2011 rushed past me in a heartbeat as a read those words. i can't say i've made the decisions i needed to make, nor do i have some of the answers i was looking for. i can say that i have created and shared, and yes, even loved.

and i have met people. people who have impacted my life significantly.

after i blinked back a few tears, remembering (and even mourning) the past few months a bit, i went back to look at that post. "dear 2011" was the blog post i wrote and published on January first. but there was something more, i realized. sitting quietly in my drafts folder was another post; a chiaroscuro that has colored my year, lights and shadows, changing... yet still.

the words i wasn't ready to publish.

What you saw as falling apart was actually things falling into place. You're now set for the future you are meant to have.

a quote? a fortune? i can't be sure. but there it was, waiting for me to come back to it tonight, as i sit here embracing the though of another New Year.

things are falling into place.

to a sweet New Year.
l'shana tova.


Shandin said...

Wow!!! As a Jewish woman I'm so heartwarmed to see such a beautiful homage to Rosh Hashana! We are kicking of the year 5772 in the Hebrew calandar! Your blogs are a true source of inspiration and so eloquently written. Shana Tovah dear lady!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

And a Shana Tovah to you Lelly!

I loved your yesterday's post. Really loved it. You are a good writer.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful thoughts. Beautiful words! Beautiful YOU.


michelle said...

Beautiful words, Lelly.