Thursday, March 29, 2007

spt challenge - plays well with others

i was reading about junior high school over at chez moi. for some of us, that seems like a long time from now (for others of us, it seems like a long time ago...) i was thinking about my 6 y.o. son's 'progress report' from kindegarden, and how i will see so many report cards in the coming years.

remember when you were 'graded' on things like stacking blocks, tying your shoes, sharing your crayons? you might have gotten supportive comments, like, "always has a smile," or the dreaded, "runs with scissors!" [i remember, in about the second grade, getting my first "U" for unsatisfactory. i don't remember what it was for, but i remember exactly how i felt .]

one of my favorite comments has to be "plays well with others." elementary school social skills speak volumes for the people we will become. were you a shy child? were you the class clown? the social butterfly? do you still identify with that inner child? what are you doing for "play" this weekend?

i know it is tempting for those of us who are moms to photograph how we play with our children. i would love to see how we play with our friends, our neighbors, our siblings. are you having a game night? a date night? a girls morning out for coffee and target? will you go to a party? or a picnic? are you on vacation? do you find yourself intimidated by these gatherings, or do you jump right in and organize them yourself?

do you play well with others?


Amanda :-) said...

This is hilarious, Lelly! You do really well to think up these subjects.

Anonymous said...

I love it! I have so many ideas already. This one is going to be fun :)

carlo said...

ohhhhhh, that is good! love it.

each week i am in amazement of your creativity.

Elizabeth said...

You do such a good job with these challenges. I can't wait to see everyone's.

everything pink! said...

rats, i wish i would have taken better photos last night at my girlfriends party.

ok my mind is a'racin!

melanie said...

How fun! I have my mom in town so I should be able to think of something! I can already see myself addicted to reading all the posts from this one! Great idea Lelly!

Amy said...

perfect! Thanks.

Rachel said...

You are so creative and such an amazing writer! I just LOVE reading your challenges and how eloquently you word them! Genius! This ought to be fun!

Barb said...

Thanks for sharing the mental process that developed this challenge idea. You're getting SPT inspiration everywhere.

Anonymous said...

SPT has been such a great discovery process. Thanks for the challenges! I hope your creative juices continue to flow freely!

michelle said...

Very thought-provoking! Of course I can't reveal my answer yet, you'll have to wait until Tues.

Angie said...

I'm putting my thinking cap on. THis could prove to be a difficult challenge, not because ho wI play with others, but thinking of something fun and not too boring.

Anonymous said...

This will be fun! Great idea! :)

donna said...

This is going to be hard!!!!

amy gretchen said...

looking forward to it.

Lucy said...

Great idea!

Michelle Alley said...

This is a great challenge! Hope you're doing well! Thanks for all the challenges - they are great journal moments.

Tiffanie said...

I have seen the SPT challenge on amy m and crystalyn;s blogs, loved it and wondered where it came from. What a great idea! I would love to join in!

Anonymous said...

Good thing we have the weekend. Great idea!

Jill said...

This is another great idea. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.

michelle said...

Wonderful idea! I'm looking forward to it.