luck [luhk] (n): 1. the force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person's life, as in shaping circumstances, events, or opportunities
good luck (n): an auspicious state resulting from favorable outcomes
it is fascinating to explore everyones' takes on this challenge. interestingly, when i began to pull bits and pieces from the blogs for a recap, it became obvious that we all have different feelings about the concept of "luck." take a look at the words that were substituted for "luck:"
these are the forces, the people, the feelings that shape our lives, our circumstances. we are a "lucky" bunch of women!
please take a look around, and see what other image consultants had to say on the subject of luck:
So while my Worry Dolls aren't lucky, they provided comfort and distraction from my childhood worries and were a good reminder this week that I don't have to deal with anything by myself. [amberly]
Each day when I look at the twists and turns of the knot I am reminded how we are all connected. Each one of us connected to everything, and everything to us. [amy m]
I wouldn't even call myself lucky - but I do consider myself to be fortunate. I think so many of the good things I have in my life now can be traced back to my happy childhood. [barb]
When I see my old name badge, it reminds me to be grateful for the mundane, crazy, boring, maddening days that I have. It is a reminder of what I could be doing instead, and instantly makes me feel lucky to be where I am right now.
I'm lucky to have close friends, lucky to have lots of new blogging friends, and lucky that I enjoy being a friend. [jill]
I think each one of us is trying to live a full life, one that is full of light and goodness, and I like to believe that we are all trying to become the best that we can become...and so I love to leave home with my little 'token reminder' of life, light, and striving to be complete... [cristin]
But as I started to think about luck, it made me think about what I think "luck" is. When I want luck, what I really want is confidence. I want to feel confident when I'm in any uncomfortable situation. [susan]
This has been such an interesting project - more about what's on the inside than what's on the outside. I love how the definition of luck as forces in our lives explains all of our takes on luck this week.
I got your card with your cute little SPT signature ovals. Thank you! (I'm going to glue them onto the front of a couple of toy cars)
Thank you, Lelly. This was a great challenge and reading everyone's different views broadened and strengthened my feeling of *blessed*.
I love your recaps almost as much as the spt's!
Recap is always the best part. Ummm what's on the docket for next Tuesday?
Your recaps are like words or wisdom from wonderful women.
I always enjoy the recap.
Thanks for doing the recaps, such a nice tidy little wrap-up! I like the way everyone interpreted luck as well.
It has been so interesting to see all of the luck/blessings we each have. thank you again for doing this each week.
ps-it was so frustrating that my post was written and sitting in my blogger acct on tuesday. i couldn't get it to post from my treo. Dang! I need to learn how to do that...
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