Tuesday, February 20, 2007

self-portrait tuesday


i originally thought i would take a picture of myself doing something else. but, here it is:

i'm at work in this picture. i actually love work. (see those spreadsheets on the desk behind me? i don't actually love those...)

i love this color blue, and i love scarves. i love my dark hair (can't really see the gray here). and i love my hazel eyes.

i love lipstick, but not much other make-up. i love the silver hoop earrings that my cousin passed on to me 10+ years ago.

there you have it!


jenny said...

I love your self portrait Tuesday! I too love my hazel eyes. They change with what I wear. Hope you continue to have a good day at work!

Kelly said...

It's wonderful! I love the blue sweater too and I LOVE hoop earrings!!

Great portrait.

Jill said...

It's so fun to finally see what you look like, and to get to know what you love. I love self-portraits. (Michelle was inspired by your and posted hers too.)

Amy said...

You are so dang cute. I too love that blue. Perfect.

Barb said...

Fun idea! I did my best today with what I had. I myself am plucking greys, but they're not showing up in pictures, yet.

melanie said...

I love your dark hair too and the blue is great. Now if only I was good at the name and the face together. Usually I just remember one. Good thing the blog can remind me. Great job, it trickled far!

carlo said...

Oh what fun! See, I leave for 3 days and this happens! :)

Next week...(maybe) :)

Great pic of you and fun description. Love that...great idea. I can't wait to see if the idea took off.

michelle said...

Hooray Blogger is finally letting me comment! I love your photo and especially what you had to say about it. It can be hard to find things you love about your physical self, for me anyway! Thanks for the inspiration.

Crystalyn said...

excellent! i want to get into this too. very fun to see everyone's photos.