Saturday, December 01, 2007


i have been waiting to post a self-portrait until i could officially claim i had run [x] amount of miles without walking. and today was the day!! i ran my first mile!!

i went into this morning with a new 5K route to help me increase my total times. i also went into this morning thinking i might try to run a mile without taking walking breaks. i set out, and then tried not to look at my watch until i hit the mile marker. 13:30 minutes later, i was there, and feeling great!

i finished the route off with walk 1/run 3, which i did the entire way home. if my calculations are correct, i finished 5K. even though i got a little turned around on my new route.

total time 52:17 (with a total of 34 minutes running!)

obviously, my 2nd and 3rd mile paces weren't fantastic, and i might have actually run a little further than 3.10 miles. the fantastic part is that my running segments felt really good, even towards the end when i felt like i might be shuffling more than running. it's amazing to think back to 3 weeks ago when i started, and the 1 minute runs were challenging.

a fantastic way to start off what is going to be kind of a crazy weekend.

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