believe it or not, sometimes i offer up an spt challenge, and i have no idea where i will go with it. this week is one of those weeks.
a few ideas rumbled through my brain as i tried to zoom in on something, anything. i tried to get a closer look at myself - just a piece, a snapshot of a part of my life that gets more attention than other things.

i am not a numbers person. math has never been a strong suit of mine, in geometric form, in algebraic form, in statistical form... i am a student of sociology, of people, of language arts and cultures. i've always felt that numbers simply stood in the way of other, more important learning.

but these numbers are different. these are the numbers that guide my morning, noon and night, the numbers i have tracked for years, some years more diligently than others. these numbers define my days in terms of caloric intake. they are the journal of which days i have been successful in my perpetual struggle with weight, weight-loss, with my self-esteem. yesterdays numbers play a huge role in how i see myself in todays mirror.

Wow, you have tracked your calories for years?? Totally impressive. I've kept a sporadic food journal, and I know how to count points, but I don't even know HOW to count calories! Cool photo.
lelly, you are making wonderful strides. i am so proud of your journey...
clever spt today, btw. (as always)
What a personal post; thanks for sharing! I hope you know that based on the little bit I know of you from your blog, you are pretty amazing no matter what your caloric intake is :)
Tough challenge and I'm excited to see what everyone does with it!
Thanks for sharing this post with us. I kept a food journal when i was in HS!!!!:)
You look great! :)
I suck at numbers too. Good for you for having a food journal. My husband and I were just talking about how we should really see HOW much we shove in our mouths.
Thanks for sharing! Keeping a journal makes a huge difference for me. When I an diligent about writing down what I eat, that is when I do better about losing. Keep up the great work! :)
Thanks for sharing! Keeping a journal makes a huge difference for me. When I an diligent about writing down what I eat, that is when I do better about losing. Keep up the great work! :)
Ok, I have never really struggled with weight. I have been blessed. 8 pounds after 4 children is not that big of a deal. I am so impressed with people like you that can be so consistent. I have never been that good at anything- I will send you the spreadsheet as soon as I can!
Can you believe this? I publish an SPT on a TUESDAY, and TUESDAY MORNING of all things! Unbelievable.
I loved all the thoughts I had when I was doing this SPT...thanks for the very good challenge.
Is that peppermint lotion I see in the foreground? Oh delight of delights! Also, I love the little-bit-proud, clearly determined, sliver of a smile on your face this morning.
What an insightful and great post, Lelly. Thanks for helping us to focus.
i know so little about calories, sad huh.
i don't know why i can't view some of your photos -
well written and wonderful with just the words.
I made it (on Tuesday)...really liked this challenge.
I really liked this challenge and had to narrow down a few things...sigh.
Your take on it is great. Impressed that you have been tracking for years! I track carbs, proteins, and fats but this is new and I love it. You are so right about those numbers shaping the next day!
Hi Lelly~
I think it's great that you track your calories. The year that I did that I lost 30lbs. I really need to do that again.
VERY INSPIRATIONAL- Oh how I need to do that again.
Great job, great spt!
Thanks for your comments on my blog~ I always love to see you've been here :)
What impressive commitment. I often think about keeping a food journal, but have never started one. Great idea for an SPT.
This is so interesting. I hate tracking calories and/or points, but it's eye opening. Great job.
I hear you! I've tracked mine for years at least sub consciously. I've never really writeen them down, but always eat based on calories and lately fat intake. You are a woman to keep track of it! Good for you!
LOVE IT! I am so impressed by your calorie tracking! Hang in there with those numbers - you can do it!
I love this picture for some reason. The way you are leaning against the wall, it's a very natural pose.
My choices today influence my self esteem tomorrow, and not just with food!
Good job writing down the calories! I am doing the points thing because I know it works if I am diligent. You are very committed to your food journals which is half the battle!
Great Challenge. I've missed the last few and have been kicking myself, but I got this on in, just under the wire. Thanks for all your inspiration.
I'm excited to be joining your challenges. I thought about starting a food journal for one of my new year's goal..thought about it any way, does that count?? Thanks for letting me join.
this week's challenge was so hard! you did a great job and i love this very natural photograph of you and the sly confident look on your face. thank you for forcing me to journal about me each week, i was shocked with my own results this week which is good right? it means i learned something about myself that i hadn't really thought through before. for what it's worth, you're great no matter the number!
One of my goals this year is to learn more about photography & take more pictures. "SPT"ing is a great way to accomplish that goal and will help me accomplish another one of my goals at the same time - "update my blog at least once a week". Thank you for starting this!!
I love what you said:
Yesterday's numbers are how I see myself today
Thanks for sharing that side of you life.
this was a hard one for me!
My internet was down all day yesterday and today I had a birthday post for my bro. So tomorrow??? maybe? This has been hard as I have thought about what approach to take.
I am amazed at your faithfulness in tracking, but admittedly saddened. It sucks that such a thing can have such an affect on how we see ourselves in the morning...I have been guilty of depending on a steady number on the scale for my happiness and it can totally ruin my day, week, month if it's not cooperating. Thanks for a CHALLENGING SPT. Now let's see if I'm up for the challenge!
You're just absolutely living up to your Word for the Year, being so open about nits and calories! Good work, Lelly!
I'm poo with numbers too, so even to LOOK at that notebook makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end! I'm impressed with your dedication to it though. x
Very brave and admirable SPT. I have never been good at tracking.
I'm new to the SPT challenge...heard about it thru the blogging grapevine! I totally hear ya about the calorie counting. I NEVER counted my calories until recently and WOW am I shocked at how much I actually comsume throughout the day w/o even thinking about it. Thinkin' I might try the WW points idea and see if it gels with my style a little better. Good luck!
I know what you mean about your day being directly affected by what you put into your body. I'm the same way. And if I skip they gym, I feel ugly all day. Which is stupid--I can go tomorrow! I really liked this SPT.
What a clever idea Lelly! Made me think! I try keeping a food journal every so often, I am totally impressed with your diligence!
Hey Lelly -
How'd that smiley appear by my name on the Mr. Linkey list? Did I do something magical to put that there? It just appeared. Someone fill me in!
It's great you are disciplined enough to keep a food journal. I've never been good at sticking with it--I'm probably in denial and don't want to put the truth down on paper!
Glad this was a good week and here's to many more!
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